I applaud the approach but would push back on the financing being through loans vs grants. The types of units most in need service those with the least amount of funds to pay rents.

Even in a mixed market model the rents would not allow positive cash flows to payback financing.

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Another way use a small part of that approach. but apply a 21st century sustainablity investment approach. We have technology that can see who is applying a Gold Rush speculation approach. So you can address the reason for our out of control inflation. Then apply simple old economic and business 101 sustainablity investment approach. It is called KISS.

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I had a thought, not sure if it's logical. Maybe someone could provide some insight.

We have a large demographic of elderly people, many of whom still own their homes. As the oldest pass away and the younger (of the elderly) move into retirement communities or longterm care homes, their homes will become available.

If we build a million homes and once they are built, all these other homes come on the market, there will be too many homes and prices will crash, which will really hurt everyone who owns a home - except the rich who can simply buy more homes at a discount.

Further, we're already seeing a massive impact on the environment with this eagerness to build new homes. Build another million and you will be decimating the environment, at a time when the climate crisis is causing real harm.

While we can't kick the elderly out of their homes to free up supply, could we not provide incentives or what have you? Is building a million homes the right strategy, or is it just the simplest strategy?

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Where are the workers coming from?

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Also something both government and the housing industry should be working on, regardless of whether it's market-rate or community housing.

We know there's a shortage of tradespeople with the skills to build the required number of homes. The answer isn't to not build the necessary homes, but for the governments and industry to ensure there are sufficient training programs to develop the workforce in a timely fashion, and incentives to get people to shift to those industries.

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