Really enjoying this series! I'm curious if there are any jurisdictions you see operating with this kind of transparency?

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While it's not the crystal clear transparency as discussed above, the City of Guelph has done some fantastic work around budget transparency that really empowered their councilors and citizens to ask some tough questions and make some much better decisions relating to spending and land use. It started back in 2013 with some revenue modeling & cost of service analysis done through a collaboration with City staff and www.urbanthree.com. They've continued the work in years since and it's quite interesting -- especially if you know the areas & shown on the map (excerpt here: https://atrium.lib.uoguelph.ca/server/api/core/bitstreams/2b5072a1-f5d4-4244-b93a-7a2e10a53508/content )

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That's so cool, thank you for sharing!

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Also enjoying this series. Happy to have you back in the public eye.

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