Fix Your City
Thought leadership from Catherine McKenney and Neil Saravanamuttoo of CitySHAPES into what cities need to do to fix housing, sustainable transportation, climate, governance and finance.
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Original Insights
Fix Your City provides unique and original insights into the solutions that cities need to solve the challenges of our day, in the areas of: housing and homeless; transit and active transportation; climate; and, governance and municipal finance.
They bring a unique partnership to addressing these issues, from decades of professional experience prior to launching CitySHAPES.
Catherine is a former two-term Councillor and senior staff member at the City of Ottawa. They were instrumental in defining and advancing the official response to the city’s housing and climate emergencies.
Neil is an expert in public finance and innovative financial structuring, serving as the chief economist of the G20’s Global Infrastructure Hub and as an executive at the Department of Finance Canada.
Catherine and Neil can be reached at: